UN military totally purchased 10 units DONGFENG AWD trucks from China CEEC TRUCKS Client: UN Military Project: Dongfeng AWD water truck, fuel truck & cesspit e...
South America Chile customer purchase 2 units 8cbm garbage compactor superstructure Client: Chile Country Company Project: 8CBM Garbage compactor supertructure Yea...
East Asia country customer purchase 5cbm road sweeper kit as sample order Client: East Asia Country Company Project: Road Sweeper Truck, Road Sweeper supertructure...
Southeast Europe Country heavy thing delivery project Client: Moldova Project: 1 unit ISUZU 8CBM refuse compressor truck Year: 2017.6 Project Background: The custo...
Senegal Country heavy thing delivery project Client: Senegal Dakar Project: 15 units Flatbed semitrailer with different painting Year: 2017.4 Project Background: T...