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Painting for 40 CBM fuel tanker truck.

Nov 18, 2016

Painting for china 40 CBM fuel tanker trucks.

Today, our worker will paint the beiben 3129 fuel trucks. Biben 3129 fuel tanker trucks are with benz technology. as the most professional fuel truck supplier, we put high painting standard on fuel trucks .

We have the most professional painting for all fuel tanker trucks.


1, Blasting.

If the fuel tanker upper body is dealed with blasting, the whole tanker trucks will in good painting.

2, Coat painting.

3, Surface paiting.

4, Vanish.

china 40 CBM fuel truck supplier


china 40 CBM fuel truck supplier


china 40 CBM fuel truck supplier


china 40 CBM fuel truck supplier


china 40 CBM fuel truck supplier


china 40 CBM fuel truck supplier


china 40 CBM fuel truck supplier


china 40 CBM fuel truck supplier


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